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The italian history told by poets and instruments. A journey in the land of Mameli and Mazzini


It will be an homage payed to Goffredo Mameli, on the anniversary of his death. It all starts at the Mausoleo Ossario Garibaldino, in Via Garibaldi, 29/E, from Monday 6 of July. The grave of the italian patriot will be opened to the public, in order to give the chance to see the place where the composer of the italian hymn lies. From the 6th of July, date of his death, at 17.00, nearby the tomb a group of artists will read an anthology from his literary production, all complemented with the sound of an ancient instrument: a guitar of the nineteenth century.
This instrument was built in 1825, two years before the birth of the poet, by the famous italian lutist, Gennario Fabbricatore. he was the one who made the Mazzini’s guitar too. The instrument is now kept in the Museo del Risorgimento in Genova.

Info: www.sovraintendenzaroma.it