Home english Herlitzka is honestly PPP at the “Piccolo Eliseo”

Herlitzka is honestly PPP at the “Piccolo Eliseo”



Trad. Ilsa Mancini

A youth enormously youth” is back in Rome and it’s being loved at “Piccolo Eliseo”. The play, produced by “Teatro Stabile del Friuli Venezia Giulia” with the collaboration of “Milfest 2013”, engages Robero Herlitzka on the scene playing a text composed by Gianni Borgna, who blended and elaborated many pieces and texts by Pasolini. Antonio Calenda directed everything, and it will be on scene until November 29th.

Here is the idea: what would Pasolini say if he had the possibility to comment the view of himself death on Idoroscalo Ostia’s beach? There is, so , himself at the centre of the stage, as a cadaver surrounded by few basic elements – as a net, undergrowth, metallic cans, soccer field and periphery views- reminds in a skilful way his most loved and frequented places. Herlitzka evokes in a great way, thanks to an exhaust body, the fatigue that surrounded Pasolini case, the feeling of the passed time, of things that have changed. Borgna imagines, then, an actually aged Pasolini but nostalgic and perplexed at the same time in front of our youth made in 2000’s, made by smartphones, probably considered a little bit idiot, astonished, moronic – where he can see poor and rich people trying to wear the same dresses, in a bourgeois way. The narrative monologue continues, certainly thanks to the actor who catalyses all the attention on himself to reach the top during the story of that night, the night of November 2nd 1975 when his habitual pederasty led him to death.

We are, so, back to the Idroscalo Ostia’s beach, looking at that dead body tormented on the ground and in the mud; the circle of those PPP’s thoughts is closed, on the scene.

It is a honest pièce, where Herlitzka plays Pasolini, in a suitable way