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“Mina in Jazz”, the Cremona Tiger’s greatest hits played by Roma Jazz 5tet


Trad. Tatiana Cintia

“Mina in Jazz”, the Cremona Tiger’s greatest hits played by Roma Jazz 5tet It is not easy to perform the quintessential Italian music icon, Mina. Just referring to her means thinking of a shattering colour explosion, notes and emotions with no comparison. The Mina Project in Jazz proposed by Roma Jazz 5tet in many years in major national and international theatres it’s an original interpretation of the Cremona artist’s greatest hits, which during the concert do not follow a chronological continuum but they are wisely alligned in a way to create an emotional path. Sara Schettini, the 5tet front-liner, perfectly succeeds in her ambitious tasks, that are in one hand to constantly recall Mina’s presence on stage, and in the other hand to give her personal and original interpretation to the artist’s songs with tact and artistic empathy. Ferdinando Coppola gives to the whole project a high grade of pathos thanks to his really sensitive and rare musicality way of playing the sax. The pianist Quintino Protopapa, maker of the arrangements, with the collaboration of the double bass player Piero PIciucco and the drummer Stefano Pacioni, gives to the instumental elements full of originality and creativity using thw whole range of music dynamics, from the most persistent phrases to the silent or   barely whispered ones.

29/04/2016 Teatro Studio Borgna ore 21:00