Home english A Marriage of Figaro Opera’s presentation

A Marriage of Figaro Opera’s presentation


Corridor Augias is offering, the next Sunday in the Opera House of Rome, a performance of ‘The Marriage of Figaro’. It’s taking place at 11 a.m., and it’s actually a great opportunity for all the music lovers to examine in depth the story and to analyse the topics of this music opera, realised in 1786 by the collaboration of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Lorenzo da Ponte ( Italian librettist and literatus). The entrance is free, but it’s indispensable to make a reservation on line ( maximum 2 people for reservation ) by sending an email to:

For more informations, please check the website: www.giocodellotto.it; www.operaroma.it
Or call the Opera House public’s office: 06/48160312/528/533

‘The Marriage of Figaro’ is one of the most famous Mozart’s works. It’s characterised by amazing ditties and deep ( historical, social and psychic) meanings. Augias is clearing up the treatments, by setting them in the particular period of the creation of ‘La folle journée ou le marriage de Figaro’ ( written by Pierre-Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais in France, and produced by Mozart in the Burgtheater of Vienna, 1st May 1786), which gave Da Ponte the material to write his libretto named ‘Le nozze di Figaro’.

Translation Ilsa Mancini