Home english Singer Rita Ora apologises for breaking lockdown rules with party

Singer Rita Ora apologises for breaking lockdown rules with party


British pop star Rita Oraapologised on Monday after she admitted she had attended a partyto celebrate her 30th birthday which broke England’s strictCOVID-19 lockdown laws.
Ora said she had gone to a “small gathering with somefriends” which the Sun newspaper said was held at a restaurantin west London on Saturday night with 30 people in attendance.
Under the lockdown rules, people in England are not allowedto mix with other households indoors and can meet one personoutside. Restaurants have been closed except for takewaways toprevent the spread of the coronavirus.
“It was a spur of the moment decision made with themisguided view that we were coming out of lockdown and thiswould be OK,” Ora said in a statement on Instagram Stories.
“I’m deeply sorry for breaking the rules and in turnunderstand that this puts people at risk. This was a serious andinexcusable error of judgment. Given the restrictions, I realisehow irresponsible these actions were and I take fullresponsibility.”
Police said officers had been called to reports of breach ofCOVID rules but had not found any offence being committed.
“Officers continue to assess the allegations and areliaising with the local authority regarding a potential breachof regulations at the premises,” police said in a statement.
The BBC reported that Ora was voluntarily paying a fine