Home english “Teatro la Cometa” presents a new Season:  many shows proposed, all starts...

“Teatro la Cometa” presents a new Season:  many shows proposed, all starts with Paolo Villaggio



Cometa’s theatre’s Season has been presented in May 28th. Paolo Villaggio was present and Pino Insegno was the star performer. “A graceful, brilliant and clever Season”, these are the words used by Giorgio Barattolo, Cometa’s artistic director, in order to host the thirtieth Season of the theatre situated in Via del teatro Marcello.
“Today the crisis has strongly hit all the sectors, especially the artistic one which is the weakest, from the economic and financial point of view”. Barattolo has continued “Nonetheless actors, authors and producers struggle to stand up to bureaucratic impediments. But the true power of theatre is public! I feel actually satisfied when I see the stall full of spectators touched and interested in what’s happening on the stage. Theatre will be immortal until there’s a public which  wants to leave his home, to watch the magic of an opening curtain”.
There are a lot of plays in the bill. Starting from Paolo Villaggio, who launches the Season with Pino Strabioli, who will play in “Mi piacerebbe tanto NON partecipare al MIO funerale”. Maximilian Nisi has prepared “Mister Green”,  a text translated in all over the world and already proposed by Corrado Pani in 2005. After his death, Massimo Francovich was seen as his best understudy;  the director is Piergiorgio Piccoli, and Michela Zaria said that it concerns “a text which lies on actors, as Jeff Baron wanted”.
“Vicini di Stalla” is the next play, directed by Nini Bruschetta, of the duo “Grosso-Stella”. It talks about nativity “in a barbaric and very funny way, enriched by a few historical references” (Ciro Scalera’s words).
Frida Kahlo is coming back this year, by proposing a play already performed in “Piccolo Teatro Eliseo”. Alessandro Prete, the organizer explained “it’s a complex mis en scène; we decided to put on scene the different figurative arts, there is indeed interaction among dance painting music prose and poetry, and all that to tell not only Kahlo’s biography, but also to take the cue for a reflection”. “What can I say- Alice Navarro said- it’s been an honour for me playing on scene Frida’s character, it was hard but possible thank to Alessandro’s intuitions”. “It wasn’t easy- Navarro explained- because I don’t perform just a woman, but seven who have many life’s parts in common with Frida”. Furthermore, Prete said that the show will go on tour to Mexico.
Placed for its new offers, “le Belle Notti” is played by seventeen young actors. Gianni Clementi  is the author and Claudio Boccaccini the director. Gianni Clementi said “we’re happy, this performance has been put on scene for years, especially for the guys’ presence”. It talks about an occupation made in 69’s and the same, made 30yrs later, organized  by the students of the high school. “It’s a cult- Boccaccini said- that’s the third edition, we’ll make the auditions in January. It’s a matter of telling how we were, it’s a show that makes you laugh a lot and it has the smell of passed things”.
About  “Bluetooth” made by Francesco Pannofino and Claudio Boccaccini, Pannofino said “something good comes out from it, we’ll tell good stories”. “Karma letale” written and directed by Marco Zadra it’s a “cheer show, two actors commit suicide; one of them is an actor, the other is a plumber. While dying they find out not to be truly dead , and they discover many similarities between  their professions… You’ll learn the rest”. “Mi hanno rimasto solo” will be put on scene with Michela la Ginestra. A captivating show which gives people who decided to spend their time “with” the Theatre laughs, smile and tranquility.But that’s not all. There is much to discover yet, and especially to see.