Home english The triumph of Art Nouveau with Mucha at Vittoriano

The triumph of Art Nouveau with Mucha at Vittoriano


Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) has been one of the most important European artists between XIV and XX century: mixing seductive female pictures and compositions with innovative typographical layouts, he created very original manifestos. In this way, a new genre of visual art which bloomed in the Belle Epoque Paris was born. The Mucha style quickly came to reveal  a series of graphical works of art and design objects that furnished the art lovers’ houses in Paris and in other countries, becoming the icon of Art Nouveau. During a trip in the United States in 1904, mass media saw in Mucha the biggest design artist of the world. While his fame was growing in the context of international art, in Mucha  the desire to contribute to the political independence of Czech Lands and of the near Slavic areas, divided by imperial colonies powers for centuries became stronger. Beyond a façade opulence and a new modern vision expressed by the Great Exhibition in Paris in 1900, in central and eastern Europe the political conflicts were raising. Mucha believed in art universality, in its inspiration and communication power, whishing for the creation of a spiritual union of Slavic people, and of all mankind. He dreamt of a better world where ethnic minorities of every kind of cultural background could have lived in peace not suffering by the menaces of stronger countries.

Mucha’s  love for its native land and for the utopian ideals is shown in his masterpiece, the “Slavic Epopee” (1911-28). Thanks to the protection of the Italian institute of History of Risorgimento and to the Lazio Region support, the first great retrospective in Rome dedicated to the Czech artist Alphonse Mucha is planned and produced by Arthemisia Group in association with Mucha Foundation. Handled by Tomoko Sato, the exposition is made of more than 200 pieces among paintings, manifestos, drawings, design works, jewels and furniture, which contribute to retrace the whole path of the maximum exponent in  Art Nouveau. The event is sponsored by Generali, Ricola, Trenitalia and Vogue Italia. The event is suggested by Sky Arte HD and the magazine is edited by Skira to Arthemisia.

Translation by Tatiana Cintia