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Without music, life would be a mistake. Eliseo and Santa Cecilia battle for a new kind of music

Trad. Ilsa Mancini
How about music? Music is «falling in love when you’re young», it’s «living an unlimited experience». It’s Alfredo Santoloci talking, the director of the Conservatory of Santa Cecilia.
It concluded a contract with the new Eliseo Theatre to put on scene the new incentives of music. «The symbolic forms shown by music, often sentimentally understood, found a invaluable sentimental and intellectual learning experience». Santoloci continued. Eliseo Theatre’s offer embraces a new need: insert a serie of new perspective in the old world of music culture.
Too frequently, indeed, a kind of gap between the pop world and the “high” one, nearly highbrow, of a music identified as « classic ». Infact Santocci keeps on explaining that « concert custom’s conventions of the late 800, have forced us to a kind of formal and restricted listening ». Basically, we have never got away from the concert Bidermeier’s form in terms of execution neither from the wagnerian one, nearly priestly in the practice; a modus operandi that came in our minds, as an interpretation hard to break up. Young people can trascend the present. It’s not because they are young, it’s because they are careful reader of a new ‘taste’ of music. ‘Hermeneutically’ included in a different dimension completely different from the past one, young musicians will be able to express themselves in a new way. That’s all possible thank to Eliseo’s agreement which allows the creation of a support to let this new generation touch new hearts. Many musical offers, a very abundant collection with a bill full of meetings. Thirtyseven shows, presented by Conservatory’s orchestras each Sunday at 12 a.m.: simphony, baroque, chamber music, jazz. Santa Cecilia’s talents with the usual company of the ensemble of solo artists made by teachers. There will be popular guests, such as : Danilo Rea, Renato Serio, Bruno Aprea, Paolo Damiani, Dario Lucantoni, Rosario Giuliani, Maria Pia De Vito, Tonino Battista, Stefano Di Battista, Rinaldo Muratori, Bruno Biriaco, Giuseppe Lanzetta. Just reading the names, it’s possible to understand how tradition will be able to blend with the innovation. Classic world is blundering on a jazz chords made of a new method. Refreshing, regenerating opera’s world with three ‘Corti d’opera’ : original librettos and music, made by young playwrights and composers. « It’s about- Santocci’s ending – a concrete fact, that wants to express a strategic, artistic and cultural will and vision, which is actually important for the entire community in a particular moment of alarming cultural impoverishment».