Home teatro A great Massimo Ranieri at Sistina Theatre

A great Massimo Ranieri at Sistina Theatre


A spectacular Massimo Ranieri at Teatro Sistina in Rome with the premiere of his show “Sogno e son desto “. The show enchanted the audience who was not expecting such a phenomenal show. Ranieri danced, sung and moved exactly as a teenager would do. He wisely balanced the moving and sweet moments to the pathetic and melancholic ones. His absolute knowledge of the stage, product of years of work, awarded him more than ten minutes of applause by the Roman audience,devotedly “ranieran ” by the end of the show.
His long journey on stage, lasting about two pure entertainment hours, allowed the listeners to go through the Classic Italian repertoire, from a painful Denco to Lucio Battisti. The audience sung, danced out of control, because there was no desire to keep control, but to have fun.
His interpretation of the Classics is also a tribute to Great Voices like Aznavour, to whom Ranieri dedicates his own interpretation of a great success of the artist about homosexuality. Ranieri also offers his most successful songs to the audience, like “Se bruciasse la città” and “Erba di casa”. Nothing is left behind in his show. After the sad moments he surprised the audience with Modugno’s 60’s songs at their best.
A “crooner” jazz orchestra accompanies him and sometimes the audience feels like standing in awe before one of Grapelli’s violin performance in Paris. During the second part of the show, Ranieri arranges for his romantic side, with a scenographical tribute, obscure for many, of Liberace and his candelabra… and here’s to you Pino Daniele’s “Je so pazzo”.
If nighttime was meant to scare the little Massimo in the past, because of that night that swallowed his grandfather as he used to go sailing and fishing on his little ship in dark seas to lose himself in the ocean of stars, Ranieri never forget his relative’s suggestion: “let the stars swing you, but always remember that the sea is cruel. So, dream and be awake. ” Ranieri ends his show with his quarantine hits, that make the show one of the must sees of this season.

Translate by Tatiana Cintia