Home mostre contemporanea Not only Aeropainting… “Vertigine Umbra” in exhibition in Perugia

Not only Aeropainting… “Vertigine Umbra” in exhibition in Perugia


The new commendable initiative of the Foundation “CariPerugia Arte” will be inaugurated in June 23rd. From this date until October the Palazzo Baldeschi’s illustrious expositive space, in Perugia’s centre, will house the exhibition “Vertigine Umbra”.  The title is perfectly appropriate and it’s explained in the subtitle : “Umbria seen from above, between reality and imagination:  aeropainting, aerial photography, old press, drone”. In some way it’s also an homage to the painter Gerardo Dottori, who, with Marinetti Balla and Depero, realized in 1929 the “Manifesto dell’aeropittura futurista”.  There won’t be lack of the amazing aeropictorial views of Trasimeno river and Umbrian hills, a route reclaimed in terms of the modern context by the magic of drones. The exhibition will be inaugurated in “Sala dei Notari del Palazzo dei Priori”.