Home english Uber reaches Rome : here’s the map to get around the city...

Uber reaches Rome : here’s the map to get around the city in a cheap way


Trad. Ilsa Mancini

It’s started on Thursday 10th December and it will be available until 24th: we’re talking about the Uber’s U Line, the transports line realised in occasion of the Giubileo.
The line joins 9 points of the city, and each ride costs 5€. The service will be operative from 8:00 to 00:00.

The U Line – It’s a sort of circular served by cars and vans which will follow a precise itinerary, realised on the website www.linea-u.it, by considerations the online consumers’ preferences.

The stops – piazza Euclide, piazza Fiume, piazza dei Cinquecento, San Giovanni, Piramide, stazione Trastevere, Sant’Andrea della Valle, Castel Sant’Angelo e piazza Mazzini.

How it works – To reserve a place you can simply download the app on your smartphone. On the map, stops are highlighted: you have to move through the app, select the stop and click on the “Linea U” button to read the icons and the related waiting time.

Costs – It is not necessary to stand at every stop : you can get around the U Line area without breaks by paying a fixed fare ( 5€ ), regardless of time and distance. The price is the same even if the ride will be shared. The airing and going van’s itinerary will be shown online. Payment is electronic.

Sharing ride – it will be enough to activate the function “Funzione Condivisa” and fill in with the partners informations required. For example, the cost for three people to move from “Piazza dei 500” ( Termini Station ) to “San Giovanni” will be cheaper than a normal bus ticket.

A concrete answer to many problems, inconveniences and malfunctions of Romeo’s urban transports.